We finally had the first snow of the year out here in the rain shadow of the Olympic Peninsula, so it seems like the perfect time to start this updates section!

Most of the setup projects are finally wrapping up, so now our parking spot is starting to feel and function more like a permanent location. Not sure if we’ll be here forever, but for a few more years at the least.

Here’s how our setup looks now while covered in snow!



There are a few projects on going that can be seen in these photos. One of which is the conversion from a canvas skirting to a plywood one. Which of course was not finished in time for the snow. But hey, good thing we live in a place that barely sees freezing temps! As an example, this snow only lasted two days before everything melted and rain came back.

This property is much larger than what these photos show. So here are a few more around one of the camp sites that is used for HipCampers.



Also we have a few cats in the house so why not let a couple of them experience the rare snow appearance!


If you have any questions you would like me to answer post it below in the comments!
Updates in regards to adventures we have taken and overviews of projects I have been working on will be a part of this section of the website. If you want more in-depth how-to’s on the projects I’ve done, then head over to the forums!

Till next time…don’t panic, be a hippy.